
Area-elastic Sports floorPolysport UNO


The area-reinforcing surface of POLYSPORT UNO provides optimum stability for the athlete, enabling rapid reactions during team sports. Point loads on the surface are distributed across the surface area, meaning the system has high static and rolling load resistance for both sports equipment and tribunes. The low rolling resistance makes it suitable for all types of roller sports. When used in schools, low springiness of the floor system should be ensured so that people with a low body weight also benefit from the floor’s cushioning effect.

  • High sports functionality
  • High robustness with static and rolling load


We will be happy to advise you without obligation with the individual planning of your sports hall.

  • Matthias Baetge

    Matthias Baetge

  • Thomas Schulze

    Thomas Schulze

  • Pia Bendler
  • Axel Thiemann
  • Karsten Weibrecht

    Karsten Weibrecht

  • Martina Kaas

    Martina Kaas

  • Frank Bolha

    Frank Bolha

  • Johannes Zahnen
  • Jürgen Widler (CEO)

    Jürgen Widler (CEO)

  • Michael Tvedergaard

    Michael Tvedergaard

  • Elisabeth Aulbur
  • Miriam Gonschior

    Miriam Gonschior

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